Create Your Dream Life Vision (Board) Masterclass

More than just a vision board!



What does your dream life look like?

Are you ready to stop second guessing your dreams, going to a job you hate, taking clients that don’t light you up, feeling like you are hustling day after day?

It all starts with a great vision for your life and future.

This masterclass will lead you through the exact steps I took last year to fire clients that were not aligned, stop doing work that did not light me up, sell my house, buy a bigger camper (5th wheel to be exact) and travel the country with my hubby and 2 huskies.


Create Aligned Action Steps  

This masterclass is for you if you are ready to start doing more of what lights you up and allow yourself to ask for the vision of your dreams.

  • Have more time to drive your kids to school vs. dropping them at daycare.
  • Have actual time off on the weekends because you have the dream job that allows more freedom, more time to do what you what.
  • Take the annual family trip to Europe (or Vegas - whichever lights you up!).
  • Work with amazing clients that excite you to work with. 

This is for you if you are done with the excuses that you can’t have what you want, and really allow yourself to see the vision and design the actions steps that align to your vision. 


Packed with Value! 

  • 90 minute workshop taught live (yes, the recording will be available shortly after the class)
  • Workbook to follow along during the workshop
  • Journal prompts and exercises to support the visioning work
  • Guided visualization to see and feel the vision of your dream life
  • Canva template to add virtual images to your tech
  • Your Dream Life Vision Action workbook - guide book to help you reverse engineer the steps you will take to see the vision come to life

What you get:

  • 90 minute workshop
  • Step-by-step workbook to follow the steps to creating your vision
  • Guided visualization to see and feel the vision of your dream life 
  • Journal prompts and exercises to support the visioning work
  • Canva template to add virtual images to your tech
  • Action guided sheets to help you reverse engineer the steps you will take to see the vision come to life


Meet the Instructor:
Video Poster Image

What make you the expert?

I don’t know if I would say I am an expert in this topic. However, I would say I know a hell of a lot about giving myself permission, grace and ease to allow what I really want to manifest into my life. Over the last several years I have been in the process of leaving my corporate job as an accountant to start my own business. I craved freedom - time freedom, space freedom, and creative freedom. Let me tell you, it has been a struggle - for real!

In April of 2020 (yes the exact time the pandemic really ramped up), I doubled down on what I really wanted for my life and business. After hustling my face off the rest of the year, I knew something major needed to change when December came around.

I finally stopped just learning and kinda doing that inner work. I actually did the inner and outer work that I needed to finally change my life and unhappy work, life and career situation.

A huge part of this process was the vision work and allowing myself to get super clear on what the hell I wanted my life to look like one year from now. 

And here we are - ONE year later. The shit I put on my vision last year is even freaking better than I could have imagined.

I have finally quit 99% of the things that do not light me up - yes, this included quitting/firing clients that were not in alignment with the vision and just plan fucking assholes! Let’s be real, how much shit do you need to quit before you allow yourself to start living your vision?

I allowed my future-self/ higher-self to take the lead. Which meant saying, “yes” to a bunch of stuff that scared the shit out of me! Welcome inner work! 

In August 2021, my husband and I sold our house, bought a larger travel trailing (5th wheel this time) and set off on traveling adventures. 

Here we are… November 2021 (at the time of this writing). I am literally living my dream life. I take more time off then I ever thought was possible. I work with amazing clients, and I get to travel the country. Life is pretty fracking great!

I am just an average girl like you. I went to college, had a kid, got married, started a career, and did all the things “you’re supposed to do” to make life happy and charming - except not.

I finally gave myself permission to ask for what I wanted. It started with the vision.

I hope you will join me in this next round of the magic and transformational masterclass - Dream Your Life Vision Masterclass. Because you CAN have what you want in life! 

Frequently Asked Questions

You don’t want to miss this masterclass! 


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