Become A Money Magnet Masterclass

Activate your inner money wisdom &Ā call in more money, clients, and your desires for the life you love waking up to every morning!

This month's masterclass you will learn my unique way of understanding how the brain & body connection is used to drive the ability to manifest more money and abundance.Ā 

Bonus: You will walk away with a special visualization that actives you potent manifesting powers!

Get ready to manifest more money! Register for the FREE masterclass today!Ā 



Meet Heather,Ā 

Your Money Badass!

Hey hey! I am so happy to meet you! I'm Heather, your average, American, Girl Next Door type. I am also a powerful creator that I know how to tap into my inner Goddess that knows how to make money work!Ā (Hint: I know you are that powerful too!!)

Raised by a single father in the 80s, money was always tight. We never seemed to have enough.Ā 

Even after years of college, climbing the corporate career ladder, making a 6-figure income, and becoming an entrepreneur I STILL felt like I never had enough time or money!Ā 

No matter how much debit I paid off, what raises or new client contracts I signed, I never felt safe with the flow of money.

I thought I just needed more mindset work, or to say more affirmation and do more journaling and then I would call in more money and I could finally be happy.Ā 

I tried everything to make money work for me. Listened to all the gurus, Warren Buffet, Dave Ramsey types, read all the books, hired the coaches, and still something was missing. I couldn't figure out this money thing, despite being successful in my career and business.

No amount of money or success was making me feel better. I continued to feel like I was just surviving from day to day.

Starting my career as an Accountant & dying in my corporate job, I left the corporate track to started a tax & bookkeeping business. This is when I discovered people needed more then tactical support with money (including myself). I learned all about the energy and vibration of money through various certifications and programs - mind & body connection, NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki, Life Coaching and a few other modalities.

After 3 years of using these modalities and certification on myself, I have been able to move from the busy city to the the peaceful country with my husband and 3 huskies. I wake up to a world I manifested every day!Ā I have become a creator that works with my Inner Money Goddess! I allow the feelings and emotions about money to move through me in way that attracts more of the future I desire.

I believe you are here to THIVE!

That means MAKING MONEY to do more of the things you love and live our your passions.

I want to help you tap into your Inner Money Goddess [or God] -like-self you DESERVE to create the impact and life you are meant to have.

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