7-Week Program for

Coaches, Consultants & Badd-Ass Entrepreneurs

to unlock the ability to master money from the inside out


Finally understand how money works for you...

KNOW how to create situations in life where money comes to you easily...

Get in touch with your inner Badd-Ass that KNOWS your power so you can finally see a world where you have all the money you desire!




Save $300 for this round! [Use coupon code: MONEYBA]


Dear Badd-Ass,

  • You are here to make a difference.... but you need money to make that happen ... I see you!
  • You have taken all the programs, listened to all the YouTube-ers, binged all the podcasts, tried all the things... and still money seems to come to everyone else but you
  • You can manifest everything - the closest parking spot, a free cup of coffee, even a new car ... but you can't seem to manifest MORE MONEY 😢 ah what gives?!
  • You pay off debt but life happens ... and more debt appears, credit card payments are flying out of your ears 😭 (yup, been there friend!)
  • No mater how much money you make you still feel like it's never enough

NO MORE!! This cycle stops this year!!




After years of hiding from my money AND supporting everyone else with their finances [hello, accountant here] ... I had a "come to jesus" moment with myself.

I KNEW I was on this planet, in this body, at this place in time and space for more!!

I KNOW you are too! You came here to add value to your life and the life of others.

But it TAKES money!! Lots and lots of money to make the impact you have in your heart!

My inner soul was leading me to do more. Which meant I needed make more money!

But how? There was no money tree in the back of my yard!

I deeply understand what it feels like to have a deep calling for more in life, but struggle to make the money needed to do more in the world!

Money does not live outside of you! 

Money IS YOU!

I teach you HOW to tap into THAT!!

I help you develop a solid foundation with money from the inside out!

I help you hold the vision you have for money and your desires!

You are ready, if ...

✔️ You have tried all the courses, all the programs, and listened to all the money "gurus" about how to fixed your money, but you still don't feel ahead of the money game

✔️ You know all the basics of how to check your accounts, how to meditation for abundance, you might have even hired a bookkeeper or accountant, but you still don't really understand how to make more money flow to YOU

 ✔️ You are willing to do the steps, try the things, but you no longer feel like any of this will work for you [after all, you have already tried all the other things] 

✔️ You are ready to put down the badge of over working, over giving, over hustling to make the money you know is out there for you to experience


7-week training | *delivered LIVE*

REGULAR: Investment $597 Paid in Full OR 2 Payments of $311

[Coupon: MONEYBA = $300 off]


Part 1 - Internal

Master the inner beliefs and feelings that are driving how you experience money. Become the non-judgement observer of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with money. Learn to truly witness yourself from a space of compassion. Create the vibration of money that flows through you.

Part 2 - External

Once you have mastered the internal phase of money, the external becomes easy and feels amazing. You start to see the needle move in your business and finances. You start to feel like you can breathe again. Money becomes a result of the internal work.

Summer Cohort:

August 6th - September 13th

Week1: How money beliefs were formed & its impact on your money

Week 2: Worksheet to see where you are putting your money & system regulation tools to support this exercise

Week 3: Navigating the stress caused by awareness, how to respond when you are triggered with money

Week 4: Energy & frequency of money and how fear is connected

Week 5: Focus & attention creating your reality for your vision

Week 6: Finances for personal, business and putting numbers to paper. Learn to connect the mind and body sensations to money

Week 7: Make a plan for moving through resistance - how to move forward when you are activated

Heather's Story

Mastering money is at the core of everything I do and teach because I know money is the key part of your ability to experience your dream life.

I have created a unique way of helping you understand how money is imprinted into every area of your life. I teach you practices that helps you heal and make money from an inside - out approach. 


2017– After years of growing my accounting career, I realized I was massively under-fulfilled.

I did what every entrepreneur at heart does, I started a business.

I offered bookkeeping and tax support to other small business owners.

After working with several highly intelligent and capable female business owners, I quickly realized the physical act of money was not the problem (budgets, spreadsheets, adding and subtracting, opening up banking app...).


I want on a mission to figure out the REALL problem people were having with money.

It was something internal creating the issues clients were having with spending, saving, and attracting money. 

I learned about meditation, the energy of money, and how law of attraction works. I started helping people tap into their inner voice with money and their desires.

2020 -2023  

After learning and teaching others to listen to their intuition with money, I still felt like something big was missing when it came to really understanding money and how it was effecting clients daily.

After continuing to 1️⃣ listen to my intuition, 2️⃣ got a few certifications [certified in NLP (Neurolinguistics Program), Hypnotherapy, EFT Tapping, Life Coaching, Mind Magic®] and 3️⃣hired a few coaching mentors I finally cracked the money code.  

I created a unique system that helps to understand and interact with money in a way that grows your bank account and your dream life.

2024 -  Wrote Amazon Best Selling Book Finally Worthy: Subconscious Money Healing from the Inside Out helping readers understand how their life's journey has created their reality with money today. 

In this program - Money Mastered - you will learn and practice the method that will help you finally understand money and see more of it come to you in new ways.



7-weekly lesson taught LIVE

Each week you will learn and implement a piece of the system that will create more awareness, open you up to more abundance, and leave you feeling like you are capable to make the money you desire.

Cohort Support

Finally realize that you are not on an island with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experiences. Be held by a group of others that are feeling and experiencing similar frustrations you are.

Resources & Tools

Vault of audios, meditations, EFT Tapping scripts, worksheets, journal exercises... all the things to help you be successful at healing your money beliefs, retraining your brain, and setting yourself up for success to expand your bank account.

You’ll Walk Away With…

  • A clear understanding of your finances - finally open up your banking app WITHOUT feeling a ton of anxiety, avoidance, and overwhelm
  • Designed path to your wealth & abundance - create a plan for your money and wealth in the coming months & years that does not include hustle or grinding it out
  • Uncover the deep rooted beliefs that have been blocking the flow of money your way - finally see money coming into your bank account
  • Systems for responding to life being life - situations where you want to crawl into a hole and never come out (ie. money triggers - overdraft notices, audit request letters, unexpected bills). You will learn to response to these triggers in a way that is supportive and does not leave you hiding for months, so you can quickly get back to making money and supporting clients
  • Your daily system that will keep you in the flow state of money and tuned to the frequency of money
  • Finally feel like you are making headway with your finances - stop the cycle of debt, constant worry of money, and draining triggers that occur daily
  • New sense of awareness with money - learn what money feels like for you - feel good every day no matter how much money you have or don't have - finally feel the feeling of abundance

Money Mastered FAQs