The Importance of Being in the Present with Erin Call

Season #2 Episode #7

In today's fast-paced, always-on world, it can be tough to find the time to just BE.  When we're constantly on the go, it can be tough to take a step back and just relax. We're always worried about the next thing on our to-do list, and we never really take the time to just enjoy the moment. But being in the present is so important – it's the only time we really have.


Can you train yourself to be present and feel safe with being present? Can you let your body feel safe to BE versus DO? 


In this episode of Unblock Your Money Sh!t Podcast, Erin Call shares the importance of being the present and how you can create space for ease, flow and the embodiment of your purpose and the knowing of your pleasure.


Erin is the the creator of the Soul Naked movement and the Embodied Woman Retreats who is passionate in guiding women leaders back into their bodies where they inhabit the divine wisdom to heal and the potential to Embody their highest expression.


This is the second part of our three-part episode with Erin. If you haven't listened to the first part yet, make sure to do so here:


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Check Out The Sacred Rebel Retreat


About Your Host:

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Show Notes:


Heather Doran 02:48 - My brain kept saying”Nothing's happening!” but then my heart was saying, “But you're not here to have anything happen. You're just here to be a part of this and to be embodied in the space.” (My reflection on joining the retreat with Erin in April).


Erin Call 04:28 - Can you train yourself to be present and feel safe with being present? Can you let your body feel safe to BE versus DO? And that's such a huge challenge for a lot of people.


Erin Call 05:23 - Our brain like to say, “Oh, my God, I can't sit still, I need to be doing something” and truly, that is a trauma response whether the trauma was little trauma or big trauma.


Erin Call 07:25 -  Meditation, in my experience, is like the masculine approach of transcending your thoughts, sitting still and not moving is truly, the feminine.


Heather Doran 08:48 - It's not necessarily when we get quiet, that we're getting the inspiration, it's that we're creating the space to become inspired, it's that we are slowing our system down to allow these more creative places to come out. 


#Gold covered in this episode:


  • The human brain likes to do the thing of “I don’t have a formula, this is stupid.”(3:13)
  • Breathwork is a form of healing, but it’s also challenging. (4:40)
  • The importance of being in the present. (8:02)
  • What ended up happening after that night. (12:04)
  • What is the center of your energy? (13:24)
  • You’re treating yourself like an emotional generator. (15:14)
  • How it happens and how it’s not random. (20:25)