Embodying the Truest Version of YOU with Erin Call

Season #2 Episode #6

So often, we allow other people's opinions to shape who we are and how we show up in the world. We dim our light to make others feel more comfortable. We hold back our true selves out of fear of being judged or rejected. But when we do this, we're not living our best lives. We're not fulfilling our potential. We're not making the impact we're here to make.


It's time to break free and strip ourselves from other people's expectations and start living as your true self. It's time to let your light shine bright. But what does it mean to be our "true selves"? And how can we get to a place where we are living and expressing the truest version of ourselves?


In this episode of Unblock Your Money Sh!t Podcast, Erin Call shares how to dive into your internal world and do deep healing work that creates space for ease, flow and the embodiment of your purpose and the knowing of your pleasure.


Erin is the the creator of the Soul Naked movement and the Embodied Womban Retreats who is passionate in guiding women leaders back into their bodies where they inhabit the divine wisdom to heal and the potential to Embody their highest expression.


Ask yourself: are you living your truth? Are you shining your light for the world to see? If not, what's holding you back? It's time to let go of your fears and step into your power. It's time to BE YOU.


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About Your Host:

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Show Notes:


Erin Call 03:27 -  What I find is over and over and over again, when we think of leadership and how we are leading our missions, or our businesses, or our visions, or whatever you identify your life's work, it really all comes back to self intimacy and self embodiment. How are you leading yourself? Truly, in my experience with myself, and my clients, it is all one.


Heather Doran 05:50 - We can only support people and really lead them to the next thing as far as we can see. That's why it's so important that we're constantly leaning in to our own questioning of: What do I want? What am I doing here? What is the bigger vision? What is the bigger purpose?


Erin Call 07:07 - A part of self intimacy is knowing yourself so deeply, but also trusting so deeply that like, you don't need to know each and every step necessarily. By knowing yourself enough to know what you desire and how you desire to feel. 


Erin Call 12:37 - Continue to show up and do what you know to do, knowing all along, it was always going to work out in your favor.


Heather Doran 16:33 - One of the biggest things to understand as society, and especially as women, when we come together, we have been taught so deeply to judge each other, and to constantly be in this place of judgment and comparison.


Erin Call 27:16 - One of the biggest challenges of meeting yourself, as a leader is to understand I have to unconditionally welcome and say “yes” to the parts of me that feel really sticky or shameful or edgy.


Topics covered in this episode:


  • Leadership is all one in the same in the sense that it is calling you into a deeper embodiment of self. (3:25)
  • What is your purpose? What is the bigger purpose? (6:04)
  • Take the steps and wait for the next thing to unfold. (10:16)
  • What is within your wheelhouse to heal? (12:35)
  • What is she wearing today? What does she think? (17:33)
  • Why it’s so important to continue to meet ourselves in the depths of who we are through yoga. (19:51)
  • “I’m not here to manage anyone else’s opinions or perceptions of me”. (24:43)
  • Unconditional welcoming in the spaces you’re invited to bring forth. (26:54)
  • Breathwork Membership (30:56)