Scaling Through Clarity & Balance with Cory Zacker

Season #2 Episode #4

If you're feeling lost in the weeds of business, you're not alone. Many business owners feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day tasks of running their business. However, there are some steps you can take to get clarity and balance in your business.


It is said that clarity and balance are two of the most important aspects of achieving success. Clarity refers to having a clear goal or vision, while balance refers to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Both of these things are essential for scaling through life and achieving our goals. Without clarity, it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated. We may start off with good intentions, but without a clear destination in mind, we can quickly become sidetracked. Balance is just as important. If we work too hard and neglect our personal lives, we will quickly become burnt out. On the other hand, if we focus too much on our personal lives and neglect our careers, we may find ourselves struggling to make ends meet. Finding a healthy balance between work and life is essential for scaling through life successfully.


Joining us this week is Business Consultant & Strategist and Certified Positive Psychology Coach Cory Zacker. Cory has over 20 years of experience creating businesses, leading teams, and educating others in the entrepreneurial community. She is a wealth of knowledge and we are excited to have her on the show today. 

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Show Notes:


Heather Doran 04:43 - That's the thing about being stuck in fear. We don't make these investments or we don't really see the value in spending money. I find that this also trickles over to a personal issue and all of that then translates back over to our business.


Cory Zacker 06:57 - A lot of us women have an “I can do everything” kind of mindset. And feel “I'm a little less than” if I don't do everything. I can manage my family, I can walk the dog, I can run my business, I can you know, all those things.


Cory Zacker 08:56 - You invest some money in getting help, whether it's for yourself with a coach, join a mastermind, you hire a virtual assistant or a project manager. That gives you the freedom to really do what you do best and grow your business. Then you end up making more money.


Heather Doran 10:36 - When we're in the stress state, a part of our brain shuts down. It's only focusing on survival. This is literally happening when we are doing our daily tasks and working with our clients. We miss all these opportunities, because our mind is in a stressful state. After I got out of the burnout, I reflected on things I could have done things so much easier, but my brain wouldn't allow me to see it because it was only thinking about the next task. This is that piece of investing that is not talked about enough. The investment not only four our business but also for our mental clarity.


Cory Zacker 32:48 - I am a mom, although he is grown up now. But I learned that as a mom, that you have to take time for you. But when I started my business, I seemed to forget that lesson.


Cory Zacker 38:08 - In positive psychology, we talk a lot about negativity bias. It's what all of us as humans do, we go to the negative, we just dive right in.


Episode Outline:


01:55 - Heather’s journey from corporate to entrepreneur.

10:17 - The importance of mental clarity in business.

17:51 - How do you know what you like and don’t like?

32:44 - You have to take time for You.

43:09 - How to start your morning with a positive mindset.