S2 EP01: Disruptions with Passion with Ami Dehne

Season #2 Episode #1

In today's business world, it's easy to get caught up in the rat race and feel like you need to have the best systems in place, use this and that app to be successful or enroll in a thousand different courses.


However, the truth is that you don't need all that stuff to run a successful business. 


What's more important is having a clear vision for your business and being able to execute on that vision. What you do need is passion, determination, and a willingness to work hard. With these things, you can build a successful business from the ground up. So don't get caught up in trying to keep up with the Joneses – focus on running your business, and you'll be just fine.


Forget everything you've been told about business! It's time to break the rules and create an unstoppable business that allows you to live the radical life you really want.


In this episode, we are joined by Business and Mindset Coach for fellow rebel-hearted Mamas, Ami Dehne. Ami, believes that intuition, trust, and a willingness to constantly examine and shift our mindset are all keys to living a creative and meaningful life. She spent over ten years in senior leadership positions which allowed her to make a big impact in her local community -- but her true passion for helping people was calling her to do more.  


Listen as she discussed what it means to be a Disruptor (someone who displaces their current way of thinking and being and has had the willingness to step outside the guardrails of our status quo and traditions to live a life worth living) and what it takes to walk the path of a life rich with meaning and connection.


Check Out Ami Dehne:

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About Your Host:

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Show Notes:


Heather Doran 03:03 - Do you need XYZ to start doing what you are good at?

Ami Dehne 04:11 - I've struggled for a long time in my life, trying to find work that I care about. Because for me waking up every day and giving my time to something that I don't align with is a really big struggle. 


Heather Doran 06:05 - I'm like, Holy Sh*t, I totally broke the rules on what I was supposed to be doing. I'm supposed to have a house, I'm supposed to have this whole status quo of what it means to like, be an adult and all that BS. 


Ami Dehne 10:22 - I keep preaching, like yeah you need to do something that you love to do in your day to day. But the reality is, we live in a culture that needs money to survive. It's an energetic exchange. And when the money's not there, it makes it hard to keep going. I just want to put that out there that yes, it's great to do something that you love but it's also important to make money while you're doing it. There's nothing wrong with making money. You just had an exchange of energy. 


Ami Dehne 27:20 - I think that is so important as moms to change the narrative of what it means to be a mom, because I had a mom that wasn't lit up that she wasn't living a full life.  And I think that it is such a gift to our children to show them what it looks like when we can start taking the steps to put our own oxygen mask on for ourselves because it gives them the permission to then go out and do the same thing. And that they're not going to be following blindly that the steps that you're saying you go you get a job, you go to university, get a job, you have kids and all of the things but the be like actually, no, this is this is that doesn't work for me. And I'm going to do it a different way. 


Ami Dehne 30:42 - What I am helping moms do is how to set boundaries for themselves. So they can say yes, and they can say no, and they need to say no.


Ami Dehne 36:15 - So one of the things that happens when we start our own businesses is we feel like we have to have a website.


Ami Dehne 40:32 - we business isn't complicated. We complicate business.


Ami Dehne 41:36 - We struggle with this, like shiny object syndrome, where we just like go to the next thing because it's shiny, because the thing that we're doing isn't working for us.