Rituals, Riches, and Marketing: Unveiling the Power of Organic Growth w/ Sara Drury

Season #3

Repeat Guest, Sara Drury, is helping us rethinking marketing, messaging and our money.

Sara was locked out of her Facebook Ads account in 2019. She needed to find a new way of marketing to her people without using paid Ads. Down the rabbit hole Sara went. She has mastered the art of using Social Media to call in her ideal client and make money doing it. Today she helps her client do the same.

Adding a bit of Alchemy to marketing, messaging and money, Sara teaches us how to us magik rituals to make money, call in our idea clients and how to show up marketing our services to those waiting to pay us for our services.

-I think sometimes the way people sabotage themselves by making their goals so big and unattainable. But if you keep making small steps, over the course of a year, you've made a pretty big leap. Then your job becomes knowing what the end goal is. Then creating those smaller steps, stairstep goals, all along that path. Let the universe handle the rest.

-The goal to me is what I'm outsourcing to the universe. And mine is the plan. Those are the steps that I need to take to fulfill my end of the deal. That might look like, I need to launch this program, or I need to market, or promote myself or I need to check in with their money, I need to pay attention to my money.

-For me, I will say that everything that I intend happens somehow. It takes some time. It might not happen the way I thought it was gonna happen. And I may have to even check back and ask myself, "do I still really want this or do I want it this way?"  Everything that I intend happened. I did a bath ritual (check for the free download). 

-I love how science is really kind of debunking these ideas that it's like woo-woo. And it's really scientifically coming out that these neurons are wiring together, and these things are happening in our body, which is then connecting to these different parts of the universe or each other.

-I think about how we, as women, are able to be here in this time and for the first time in many years we are able to have a say and be honored. Whereas, in the past we haven't been this way.


Sara's Bio:

Sara helps coaches, hypnotists, therapists, and service providers who want a simplified approach to making money online on repeat. She helps experts grow their income with SCALABLE business models so they can STOP trading time for money.

Sara created a step by step process to OPTIMIZE (or create) scalable offers, ATTRACT the perfect clients and SELL way more offers and add 100k of revenue with a passive income product, group program, or high ticket mastermind.


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Download Sara's Free Offer HOW TO ATTACH READY TO BUY CLIENT: 

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